How To Repair Frigate Nms
Look for the support frigates themselves, not the main freighter. You can land on the support frigates, then go around to various damaged components marked with a red icon and repair them with various materials.
Last edited by Kronos; 25 Aug, 2019 @ 8:39pm
I am. The support frigates should have a red marker around them, right? Surrounding by a fleet? Because I only see a fleet and no red markers around any ship
summon your frieghter and your own frigates will soon warp in afterwards. land on the damaged one and exit the ship and the frigate commander will give a damage debrief
The red markers are now shown on the landing pads and only when you get very close to the damaged frigate.
oh i see. didn't realize you had to fly this close to figure out which needed repairs. seems like an unneeded step for them to take away the red marker and make me figure out which ships needs it. this is going to be a chore if my fleet grows in size
25 Aug, 2019 @ 9:19pm
At least you have them to repair. Half of my frigates are lost in debrief Limbo.
Originally posted by deen wispa:
I watched a couple of videos that shows I need to look for green frigate markers outside my freigter. However, I don't see anything like that
RED frigate markers on your frigates... You land on the frigate needing repair and it will signal you and ask if you want the repair points marked. Then you walk to the needed items and repair them. Just make sure you have the materials. Mostly silver and pure ferrite.
This issue is still annoying. They took away the ability to see the damaged frigate from any distance. Why? Your navigator should clearly mark which frigates are damaged. This was a step backward in gameplay.
I make sure the other ones are away on missions then at least you know the one remaining is the broken one.
If you look at your fleet at the freighter terminal, and hover your mouse over the damaged frigates which are marked in the list, they get highlighted in the picture. I usually visualize roughly where they are related to the entrance, like "when I fly out of the freighter, the frigate is to the left and towards the back of the ship". Also, over time you learn to recognize the kind of frigate like Trading, Combat, Supporter etc. as they all have a certain look. So if it's a trading frigate that needs repair, you know you have to look for the one with the little hook under the ship etc.
By far and away this is the WORST part of the game. Tedious pain in the ass. One bad move and you're floating uselessly through space glitch and the freighters break down on average every other mission. I HATE it.
Originally posted by flajetfan:
By far and away this is the WORST part of the game. Tedious pain in the ass. One bad move and you're floating uselessly through space glitch and the freighters break down on average every other mission. I HATE it.
If this is happening you'tr either not assigning the right ships or not assigning enough. At minimum you should send one ship of every type except fuel on a mission (since they have no bonus that's checked): even the speciality missions can throw in random encounters that check some stat other than the main one for the mission. Sending out five-ship formations on every mission I've only ever had three ships come back damaged and two of those were on the same mission, a pair of fuel haulers that got messed up in a fleet that didn't have a combat ship.
To avoid damage always aim for a fleet two stars above what the mission requires.
Last edited by Evil Tim; 23 Jan @ 1:45am
How To Repair Frigate Nms
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